Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Today in my daily devotional, I found a verse that resonates even in today's troubled times.
The Apostle John finished his gospel with these compelling words, "Jesus
did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose
that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be
written" (John 21:25, NIV).

After reading this, I realized I am extrememly fortunate and must remember to be thankful for all of the ways God has blessed me. Sometimes when things are rocky or not going according to plan, it is easy to get upset and forget how much we have to be thankful for.

Each and every day God blesses us in different ways (sometimes our blessings are even in disguise). . .
For example, yesterday I was driving home when I saw a man walk out into the street in front of my car. As I got closer to him, I realized it was a police officer and he was motioning me to pull over. I did and I was given a ticket for going 40 in a 35. As I pulled away, I was fuming mad. How could an officer of the law give me a lousy ticket when literally blocks away from me stands drug dealers and prostitutes on every corner???? This was ridiclous. After calling my mom and aunt, they brought up a god point- Maybe God was saving me from something. Maybe my ticket was an intervention. A wreck, running over a nail and getting a flat, a thief.... you never know.

There are thousands of instances of God's good work in the Bible and that does not even begin to scratch the surface.

Count your blessings... Name them one by one... Count your many blessings, See what God has done.