Friday, December 3, 2010

Mason, You're 3 Months Old!!

At 3 months, you...
  • weigh 14.5 lbs!
  • love rice cereal in your bottle
  • can hold your head up and steady
  • love "Puppy," your stuffed dog. You hold on to him all of the time!
  • can sometimes eat rice cereal with a spoon
  • only wake up 1 time during the night (at 4 a.m.). Then you eat and go back to sleep.
  • upgraded to the "big" bottles
  • started talking... or cooing      You like to chime in on conversations.
  • stick your tongue out when Mom or Dad sticks their tongue out at you
  • love Christmas carolsare the star of our 2010 Christmas card
  • enjoying riding on the tractor with Dad
  • are a great traveler and have been to Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and Tennessee
  • already tried out your Johnny Jumper but haven't quite figured it out.

    The Huerkamps came over Thanksgiving weekend and played for a few hours... Mason mostly slept thru all of the fun, but I think he still enjoyed the company!