Friday, June 4, 2010

Week 25

Drumroll please... Finally, despite my better judgement, I will post the baby bump self portrait. This comes after numerous requests from friends and family (especially family) so here goes nothing... AHHHHH!
My face is expressing my resistance for even taking this photo to begin with. However, I cannot complain as long as Mason continues to grow and be healthy. This picture was taken as my body was mending itself from the stomach virus that lasted over 48 hours. In addition to feeling crummy, Mason decided to become more active than ever before. I don't think this helped the nausea any... Despite the past few days, I have turned the corner and am feeling much better.
Tonight Seth and I (as vice-presidents of the Pickens County Cattlemen/Cattlewomen) will be in Gordo for Mule Days! I can only think something like Mule Days could occur in the South but I may be wrong. It's a small town festival with live music, an antique tractor parade, good food, and friendly people. The Cattlemen/women have a tent set up as vendors selling prime-rib sandwiches. Pretty tasty if I do say so myself. If you find yourself in the Gordo area, come on by! We will be there all night!

p.s. Did anyone notice the new bangs? Ok, so they aren't like the whopper bangs I had in highschool but close enough... I'm enjoying the change!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness look at you! You are such a cute little baby mama! Congrats sweetheart! What a fun, awesome blessing in your life! I hope you are enjoying every moment! So happy for you! xoxo, Teresa
